Demographic Index (EPA)



Private Shoreline
Public Shoreline

Shoreline Opacity

Sea Level Rise

0 ft



Additional data for the closest tidal station: Tidal station Trident Pier, Port Canaveral.

Name Value Percentile (US)
Demographic Index (EPA)
Supplemental Demographic Index (EPA)
Total population in block group
People of Color
Low Income
Unemployment rate
Limited English Speaking
Less Than High School Education
Under age 5
Over age 64

The demographic index is a combination of percent low-income and percent minority, the two socioeconomic factors that were explicitly named in Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice. For each Census block group, these two numbers are simply averaged together. The formula is as follows: demographic index = (% people of color + % low-income) / 2

The supplemental demographic index is a combination of five socioeconomic factors averaged together for each Census block group. The supplemental demographic index can provide an additional perspective on potential community vulnerability and may be more relevant for use in certain situations. The formula is as follows: supplemental demographic index = (% low-income + % unemployed + % less than high school education + % limited English speaking + low life expectancy) / 5. For block groups where low life expectancy data is missing, the formula will average the other four factors.

Details of the indices can be found at: